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A Life Of Positivity & Gratitude: By Matt Belsey

What is life? We all have our own version and idea of what life is. Life is anything you want it to be. I have been living my life the way I have wanted for some time now, and it may not be the way society Sais I should live it, but I have enjoyed it, and regret nothing.

I see so many people trying to live life the way others are living theirs. Why? We are all given the same gift, and we create our own opportunities. Don’t get me wrong. I understand that nobody is perfect, and we have all had our fair share of sadness and unhappy moments. That in mind though, I think what I say next can apply to most of us. No matter how bad we may think our life is, there is most likely someone out there having a worse time than you are. We need to concentrate on what we do have, and stop obsessing about what we don’t have. There is so much more to life. We need to live it. The fact that you are reading what I have written write now is a blessing. Some people don’t get the chance to live this gift that was given to us which we call LIFE.

Life does not have to be full of misery, sadness, hate and disappointment. We should be wrapping our selves up with feelings of love, pride, and gratitude. Gratitude is one of the best things in my opinion. It is more likely that if you are grateful for something, that you will get even more to be grateful for.

To be fair, in my opinion, there are a lot of people out there who actually enjoy being miserable. You may ask, “How can someone enjoy being miserable?”. Well I see it every day. They are the ones posting all these negative posts about how bad their lives are; yet I don’t see any following posts saying that they have gone out of their way to do something about it. No matter how bad your day has been, you better believe they have had a worse day than you. They love the comments they get; they love the pity responses from people they don’t really even know. What is this obsession with feeling better when a stranger responds to a negative post? We need to stop this. We need to be thankful for what we have. We are all guilty of it sometimes.

The fact is, more positive things happen to us on a daily occurrence. So many happen, that it is impossible to count. Lets try. Okay, so; we wake up, we have breakfast, we say hello to our family, we walk out of the house, we drive to work, we laugh and joke with friends. Here are so many, and we only just left the house. You Woke up!, You can walk out!, you have a family or loved one!, you drive a car! You eat! You leave your house! Dare I go on? These things are not things that are just there. You earned them, and are lucky to have them. There are people out there who do not have family, they cannot walk, they don’t have a roof over their head, there is no food to be eaten and they can’t drive. All these things that we wake up and do on a daily basis we take for granted. Why? Do you think you deserve to have these things? Yes, of course you do. We all do. Just remember though, it can all be taken away in a blink of an eye. Someone once said to me that everybody could potentially be 2 or 3 paychecks away from homelessness themselves.

Some people wake up and go outside to see they have a flat tyre on the car, and then because of this one negative thing, the whole day is ruined because of this one thing. So little negative things happen to us compared to positive, that we concentrate on them so much, and they influence the whole day. Its because they occur so little, that they have such a big impact. Why not be grateful that when you came out, you car was still there, or had not been set on fire. No we cant do that, as we wouldn’t get as much of a response if we put on social media that my car started this morning J. We would get so much more traffic on our post if we said my car tyre was flat this morning and made me late for work, and therefore ruined my whole day. Boom!!! Comments flood in from people who you may not even have met before.

I would love to see people be nice to each other and be more grateful for what we have. We are no more deserving of good health and a happy lifestyle than any other person. If you have everything you need to survive in this world, then you in my mind are the richest person alive. All the money in the world cannot give you a faithful relationship and a nice family. It is luck and positivity that has brought that to you and because you are a nice person. True love and family cannot be brought.

We are a very intelligent species on this earth and we pretty much run the majority of it. We need to enjoy it to. Live it, and love every second. There is so much beauty in this world. There are places that will literally take your breath away. Try not to worry about the “What if’s”. If you can travel and see other cultures and learn how they live, then you will learn a lot.

We in the UK are very lucky with how we live and what we have. A lot of us are guilty of complaining about the way the country is run. The one thing we really take for granted is the NHS. Do you know that the majority of the world does not have this! They have to pay every time they see a doctor. We go to the doctors for stupid things some times. I’m pretty sure if you had to pay £50 every time you went to see the doctor, you world not go half as much. We are very lucky that health care is there when we need it. This is why we are getting people coming to this country in the hope of a better life. Who wouldn’t? If someone said to me “Come to Spain and I will give you free healthcare, a potential job and housing”, rest assured I would be gone by now. It’s the same here. Our government has offered this opportunity to have a better life. They would be stupid to turn it down. Okay, I know we are getting over populated here now, and that is a problem, but still the rule applies. Would a bloodhound turn down a steak put in front of him? Haa, I don’t think so.

Lets try and be kinder to each other and try and be more positive on a daily routine. This isn’t a rant to make you feel bad. This article is simply something to remind you that you are a very lucky person. We all are. There are so many health issues these days that can take you down so quickly. None of us are immune to it, and my heart goes out to anyone suffering from any illness. My love goes out to you now, and I hope you have a swift recovery.

I swear every other program on TV has someone affected with Cancer. This is a terrible Disease that is making life difficult for families all over the world. Remember. No matter what age, race, nationality, or sex you are, none of us are invincible to losing our health.

Life is good. Life is a blessing, and should be lived how we want to live it. We only get one try round at this, so lets make it memorable. Imagine you could record your whole life. Will it be a life you want to watch back again and again like a favourite movie? If no, then lets start. Make it that amazing experience you want it to be. Enjoy every second and support people along the way. Remember to be nice to those people around you. They are going to be the ones who will be there for you when you need them. Trust me, what you give out you get back.

Those who are not having such a great time, just hang in there and remember that when you are at the bottom, there is only one direction to go from here, and that is back up. We will all be here waiting for you. There are other ways out. I see so many sad stories about youngsters leaving us way before their time. It’s so so sad. We need to be there for people suffering, whether it is from physical health issues or depression. Depression not only makes your body suffer inside, but also breaks down the mental health to that where a person thinks there is no way out. We need to take notice and pay attention to each other. Support. Support is so important in everything.

You may not agree with what I have written here, and I am not asking you to. This is my opinion on how a lot of people are living their lives. I am not pointing fingers here, and I am not preaching. Believe me, my life is not perfect either, but I try my absolute best to stay positive and realise that what I have is a big deal.

I love each and every person who surrounds me. Thank you for being there, and thank you for being a part of my journey. You wont regret it; so don’t regret hosting your own journey in life.

A Life without regret, hate, and negativity is a great life.

Love to you all.

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